A Therapeutic Touch A Therapeutic Touch A Therapeutic Touch

If you're looking for ultimate relaxation, pain reduction and a healthier you - you've come to the right place. Here at A Therapeutic Touch I am committed to making you feel better. Regardless of whether you seek relief from discomfort, support in recovering from an injury, or simply a tranquil retreat, your massage is customized to provide precisely the experience you desire.

I am well-trained in a variety of massage techniques. Here are some methods I can use to assist you in achieving your goals.

click to learn more

If you'd like to explore some of the specific conditions I've successfully addressed, click HERE.

To see a explaination of how I've been able to help people who are in hospice care, suffering from dementia, pregnant, or athletes click HERE.

What type of massage do I need?

The priority is your well-being. With this in mind I do not require you to choose between different treatment modalities. Have you ever scheduled a soothing massage only to realize that you are experiencing a headache and truly need attention on your head, neck, and shoulders? What if that headache turns out to be the result of clenching your jaw? Alternatively, what if you have an appointment with your favorite deep tissue massage therapist, but after a challenging day, you simply need someone to help you unwind with a hot stone massage? I am always ready to address your needs, whether you are aware of them when you book your appointment or identify them as you're getting on the table.

A good massage can be supplied by a skilled practitioner, a perfect massage is a collaboration.

I want to work with you towards your perfect massage every time.

Please be aware that Cupping and Hot Stone Therapies require additional maintenance after your session and therefore there is a small additional fee if you would like to add them to your massage.


I would like to hear from you!  

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You can text me at 720-466-5853

Or Email me at [email protected]